The Germans strike forward, hitting my most advanced point once more.
Their advance is minor, but losses are fairly high.
Mud turns, lets hope my lads are replacing their losses.
I manage one attack.
I have already replaced the lost tank corps.
The Germans start a major offensive near Poznan.
The front line is gone.
We make them pay a bit, but they have brought up what seems to be all their Panzer formations.
And they rout the second line troops I have been building up for the spring offensive!
The mud prevents any major breakthrough – as does my overlapping defences.
This is still a bloody punch to the nose.
At least heavy mud losses are different to heavy normal losses.
I surround a panzer regiment, and put my line back into some form of a defence.
The Poznan offensive continues.
And it's more brutal mud fighting.
Their tanks take some hits this week.
And we actually hold pretty well.
Losses are still high where we retreat.
And they are making advances.
They mainly reconnect their trapped guys.
Thirty thousand seems to be normal losses at the moment.
They pulled back, so I reform the line once more.
This time I put all the mechanised forces forward and put them into reserve – so hopefully they will support the front line during the next wave of German attacks.
This is a brutal stalemate.

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