They are hitting me at my western positions again.
They grind me back.
This offensive comes at a price.
They also make some other attacks down the line.
These are the spoiler attack's we've become used to over the last few months.
Stupid short German supply lines.
And here are the heaviest losses of the turn.
Mud is not slowing them much down here.
Three to one losses, but they lost more tanks.
It seems that things are going so well, Hitler has defected to fight for me!
A limited attack near Poznan makes some ground.
I push some tanks forward, but that blob of SS units looks scary....
I see a chink in their armour here.
I batter them to try and widen the gap.
I shift the Panzers.
Then widen the gap.
I start looking for a encirclement, I probe other parts of the line.
Here we go with the pass push though, I push as many men as I can into the gap.
I make a hole here, but can't encircle.
To the north I make another hole.
Its juuuuust big enough to get an extremely weak encirclement.
I retreat 7th Panzer to make this a bigger hole.
This allows me to push more men in. All I can hope is that we have caused enough panic in the German line to force them to retreat.
I'm certainly advancing on a wide front. They won't be able to hit me everywhere without weakening their line.

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