The Germans conserve their forces by sitting in the mud.

We continue to see attrition losses.
I see the chance of a small push on the front.
It's not much, but it's a few more kilometres towards the goal of Berlin.
I smack up some panzers.
The Luftwaffe also make a good punching bag,
We push a couple of units in Hungary.
Apparently my little advance has provoked a response.
They hit me hard.
Their able to bring huge number of troops to bare on my forces.
Well, there goes any hopes of a sudden advance.
Honestly, I expected that to be worse!
Things are heating up in Yugoslavia.
I hit some weak spots.
I can't exploit it, but it's good to keep them from digging in to much.
I push men back into places here.
Things are stagnant. But at least things are building up for the winter.

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