The Germans clean up those units trapped behind their lines.
This is annoying at this stage of the war, but not catastrophic.
I try and hit some weak spots.
But they are not weak spots.
I do get one to retreat. They are only Luftwaffe however.
Things are stable. The Germans hold the line.
Come on! D-Day already!
I make one attack.
Mostly, the lines are not rebuilding as quickly as I would like.
On the other hand, at least we're in a good position.
Again, the Germans are holding.
This is what I need!
The snow is here, time to look at an offensive.
There are a few weak spots, but we're not in a position for a major breakthrough.
At least we're not letting them dig in to much!
But things are looking better!
Looks like we're here for the long haul!

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