Oh dear, they have not run out of fuel in Smolensk.
The plan of shattering my entire front line continues.
To be fair, it's a good plan.
My losses continue to be heavy.
Streams of men flee the front lines.
They continue to push to the south.
They also deal with one of my probes.
My attempt to close the line is followed by a strong response by a Panzer force.
Another week, another hundred thousand losses.
I perform more spoiler attacks in the north.
Then I manage to crack the line.
Time to advance a little.
The south of the their advance is still looking soft, so let's hit it.
Yeah, this is looking good!
Mostly it's just patching the line.
South of Kiev I launch a strike.
They have a nice string of weak spots down the line.
I hit them where I can.
Then turn my attention to the very south of the line.
I smack the Romanians around a bit.
I smack the Romanians around a bit.

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