The war in the south continues to heat up.
My men hold pretty well.
While we retreat in places, but they take losses.
They push along the northern line of the Smolensk offensive.
And of course they don't neglect the main push.
The line is forced back again.
Losses keep on mounting.
The area around the city is where we are hit the hardest – but this is main as this is where their tanks are.
They move forward another ten kilometres forward along the line.
Thankfully, the rest of the front is quiet.
I secure the push on Riga.
We secure the front and make a new small advance.
I probe the north of the salient once more.
The leading edge is not looking to bad.
In probe the line down near Kiev.
Then turn my full attention south.
It's mostly clean up of the weakened units, where I can.
I'm just short the forces to really mess them up here.
I wonder if I'll get the troops to do any mass encirclements?

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