It's upgrade time! Rath gets new threads. A nice boost to block and some warding.
I'm short on materials to get the warriors the same armour, so Anmos gets tier 2 knight armour. This is because he's always leaping into danger.
While Ciara gets something that massively improves her block, playing into her shield.
Yvilde already has fancy armour, so she gets a better bow – more range and more damage.
The story transports us back in time.
People always have to be messing with things they don't understand.
We fade into our current mad scientist, and Ciara is looking nice and warm in here new duds.
It looks like the band is back together. Also could you not have mentioned this to her Anmos? If that is who you really are!
The old foe is back. And they seem to be multiplying.
The Griffons of the Copperpot Myth have had a nice decade off, now it's time to get back out there.
Fawn has another visitor it seems, one who waited for our heroes to leave before making themselves known.
Another blue glowing Morgathai, able to talk, and willing to talk with Fawn. The camera fades out on mystery.
Things will be more dangerous now.
The world is larger now, we will need to range into the new lands – once more we need to clear the Morgathai before moving on to where ever they are coming from. We also have the opportunity to recruit a new person – shall we, and if we do, what class shall we go for?

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