Lynn goes after the egg.
This goes poorly.
At least you have an omelette.
The whole incident has a sobering effect on Lynn.
This puts the party into a rough spot, wounded and up close and personal to most of the enemies!
We get to work.
Apart from Ciara, most of the other attacks plink off the enemy.
The Wardrobe makes more foes.
And the Weldlings belches fire on us – luckily damage is minimal.
Greylee reaches the spirit.
She gets an upgrade to her sword.
Which does not get off to a good start.
Ciara gets in to control the situation by being scary as all hell.
Lynn deals with the Weldling.
Rath blasts the concentrated enemies, destroying three Spectiks in a single spell.
The Watchman hits Ciara
Rath deals with the Wardrobe.
Ciara is taking hit after hit.
I have to send help.
Not that she's defenceless of course!
Rath is there with the lightning to finish the fight.
Graylee gets upgraded Ambush
Ciara gets broadstrikes.
Lynn gets the loot.
Anmos and his team are spreading the loot from the foundry out when a strange beacon lights up the sky. If its the end of the world, we all know they will have died trying to stop it before coming back to tell anyone.
Watchmen are stronger now.
As are most of the other factions.
Why am I not surprised that the light is coming from the forge.....
As they arrive, the strange light dies down – are we too late?
I think we all saw this coming.
Before we can get any more ideas, Morthagi attack.
This is the first wave. We start in the forge with the doors shut.
Yvilde regrets opening hers. She shadowsteps away.
Anmos is holding the north door.
That's a early and hard hit!
And a second, the east is in trouble.
The Butler steps forward and gets wrecked.
Wave two arrives.
Astel deals with a Spectik.
Yvilde deals with the other one.
Ciara is holding the southern door.
Oh god they keep on coming.
We start work on the next one to come from the east.
Anmos is doing well on his own.
As is Ciara.
Rath arrives in the east to help.
And just as well....
Anmos's guardian skills are amazing.
This is the last wave.
Down goes a spectik.
A Batchby lands a massive hit on Astel.
It's just an arm.
He crawls away to heal.
Anmos is still doing good work.
Untouchable is amazing as well.
Ciara is doing good work.
Down goes the butler.
Yvilde switches to her knife and gets a kill.
And Rath cleans up the last one. We claim the victory.
Though it is something of a pyrrhic one. Astel can no longer use his two handed sword, and will need a new weapon.
In the aftermath of the battle, Anmos's thoughts drift.
After nearly fourty years of fighting, he's a tired old man.
The Morthagi get Coachmen.
Ten years of peace follow.
We get lucky and the Coachman card is removed.
They heroes pass the years, each in their own way.
Anmos however, has decided to retire.
He passes his knowledge on, as a warrior, he of course teaches Aste
It's a lot of knowledge – two levels worth!
He takes Bloodrage and Broadswipes.
The transformations continue, and Rath is now 100% Lightning.
Now it's time to do some upgrades – where do I focus our supplies?

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