Lets let the sword lie.
That's not to bad, just another family to murder.
Oh look, time to do some more breaking into a poor defenceless families home.
We crash the door open, and try to take out the enemies.
Father Fungus hits Anmos.
The kids come out to see what the noise is.
Yvilde takes one down.
Anmos uses his arm to do some good damage.
Lark takes down a Woken.
Anmos finishes off the Father.
The rest of the family are next door.
Astel is in the front, and takes a hit.
Lark lays some traps, which the enemy walk into.
It's not enough to stop Astel being taken down to one HP.
Yvilde sneaks up and stabs the woken to death.
The Mother takes hits.
Anmos finishes the fami.... Job.
And a cool greatsword.
After the battle, the sword begins to glow.
He sees a spirit.
Have her? A weapon spirit? Hell yes.
Golden rabbit pet. I'll take that!
The woken get stronger.
I keep the butler in check.
I split the teams. We begin to secure the Foxhill stack while clearing the Staglodge stacks.
We immediately run into a Thrixl?
Do we accept the monsters help, or not?
We join forces with the Thrixl.
Oh great, I think this was the wrong choice....
Let's deal with the threat at hand.
We smash open the door, and there is a Wardrobe and a Weldling!
Ciara steps in and hacks the wardrobe to bits.
Lynn uses her ability to fire twice and clear out the Weldling.
We move up and open both doors, Ciara wins behind door number 3!
Let's keep this under control.
Control it is.
The enemy rush towards the door.
Well, most of them. This one cries for its mum.
I have to say, Graylee fees behind on the damage curve.
Especially compared to Ciara.
Lynn continues to clean up.
Ciara takes some hits, but she tanks most of the damage.
The Watchman is burned to death.
Then the Seeker finishes the Sommelier.
We are so close to some more levels!
We send Astel some more armour.
After the battle Ciara snaps out of the mind control.
Nothing good guys, nothing good.
Wardrobes get better.Wardrobes get better.
We secure the sites – we've been doing this for nearly 33 years now!
This brings Astel up to 2 armour.
We secure the second site, while moving off to scout the remaining locations.
Lynn gets some more armour.
This is either the last site, or we are about to have to build a pass. We can also see corruption is moving out from this site.
Our heroes literally stumble onto something.
You know this is going to be bad, don't you.You know this is going to be bad, don't you.
Well, there goes the element of surprise!
Anmos seems to have fallen into the workshop we've been seeing in the flashbacks!
And he's in trouble..... Do we jump or throw?

Next update