The lads go off on a jaunt, and Rath decides to take his daughter with him. The others will scout an area and then start on defences in the pass.
This does not seem to be a short journey.
So much time wasted – there are Morgathai to kill!
They finally meet someone on the road.
She immediately tries to recruit them.
Do we help out, or inform her we are on annual leave?
If we're lucky? If their lucky they will have moved on.
He says that to a half plant man and a man mostly made out of lightning.
Good people? Yeah, I doubt that.
Again, not human. Look at them!
It's your funeral I suppose.
Lister does not last long.
Belle has just enough time to contemplate her poor life choices.
Belle has just enough time to contemplate her poor life choices.
The last bandit actually gets a shot off – but misses.
Lynn gets in a hit.
And Raths wrath finishes her.
Victory and two level ups.
Anmos gets untouchable.
Rath picks up feedback loop.
Lynn loots a cool necklace.
They are more noble than I would have been.
Yeah, guarding an inn is a little below our pay grade.
I suppose this is the first time they've killed people, not monsters (Though I'm still not sure those Deepests were monsters.)
At least they will be remembered as heroes.
That's what building a legacy is about.
Anmos gets another level, an upgrade to his thorn lash, and ten more years on the field.
We finish fortifying Calmcandle, before moving on the Keltus lookout.
I'm forced to leave Anmos at home – there will be another recruitment coming up soon, then we will be able to run two teams.
They advance into the night, and Lynn takes the chance to perform that age old ritual – making fun of her dad.
The real question is – how is Lynn feeling?

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