We try to blag our way past the two ancient forces. I'm going to take a wild guess this is the fail option.
Yeah, I know. I know. Trust me, I've been following world politics.
Yeah Anmos, Duh.
Though we do avoid a fight and claim the location – so nothing lost really! I decide to build a mine so we can get better armour at the end of the chapter, and ingots were what we were short on.
I also build up the site's defences.
Things get worse, and I lack the legacy points to stop them – Spectik's now come in twos.
The party moves across to the Wrathwilds and explores.
To be fair, they are excellent wings.
Does Yvlide actually speak crow?
Crows do like the shiny. I decide to go for that, rather than endanger our crow friends in what should be a minor battle.
It's the thought that counts!
The crows are happy, they made a new friend.
Lark takes the coin as a souvenir.
And we go up against the deepists. And look, we're fighting children. I thought we were the goodies Hans?
Nope. These are monsters, so apparently get to die in droves.
Rath then electrocutes Dad.
Lark uses a stone discus to kill the other child.
Knowing his line has ended, Ciara finishes off the Chosen.
We stack up on the door.
With a solid kick is flies open, and Ciara storms in an kills the slinger on the other side.
Lark uses a skin drying rack to smother another.
Yvilde kills another child.
Is this their house? I think this is their house.
No matter, they slaying must continue.
Anmos poisons the other child.
Rath takes down the slinger.
Lark smothers the other one.
Alone, the child dies of poison.
This will of course be reported as nothing less than a stunning victory against hordes of monsters!
Ciara levels up, and takes windwalk, carrying on from her mystical training.
I'm not sure how much use this will be, but it's better than wasting it.
Yeah, I'm 100% sure we just made enemies of the Deepists.
We're part way through securing the site when word comes of an incursion.
We abandon that and rush to set up defences at the tannery – now all we can do is wait the approaching hordes.....

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