Here we go again!
This is an exceptionally brutal attack – but it costs the Germans a good number of troops as well.
Their main attacks are once more around Poznan.
They are putting everything into pushing me back.
And more the most part, it's working!
The area around the city is cleared quickly.
We get the occasional hold.
But mostly our men fall back.
Losses are high.
But then again, would you expect anything less?
Right, my turn!
My forces are weakened, so I'm not going to be making any large breakthroughs, I'm going for a general advance strategy for now.
They are stubborn. Don't they know they've lost?
A second wave pushes them back, and half their tanks are left behind.
I'm looking for the weak spots as normal.
Luftwaffe always make for good targets.
Part of this is stopping them from digging in as well.
Their combat numbers down here are getting lower.
I can't quite hit all the Panzer units however.
These guys are still being annoying.
But I get them in the end.
Their short supply lines and the lack of D-Day means the Germans are well dug in. This is going to be tough.

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