My forces in the north come under attack. But it's minor.
Unsurprisingly, most of their fighting is in the shaft.
My forces in the north come under attack. But it's minor. Unsurprisingly, most of their fighting is in the shaft. They open the base once more.
Making it hard for me to cut them off. Again.
They clear the supply line to these guys, but not the furthest east units.
Those are some unbalanced losses right there. Let's sort that!
They have pulled back near Riga, and Soviet troops pour through the gap in their tens of thousands.
I rout some Luftwaffe units, just for fun.
As I condense these guys down, I get the feeling some of them are escaping.
These guys, however, are not.
This cleanup nets me another 15k captures.
I start hitting these lead unit – this one all but shatters.
Then I do a light surround here.
Things are stabilizing on the front. But there are still places I can advance through.
This is one of those turns where a lot of time is spent moving up troops.
These guys have to be feeling a bit worried by now....
Yet another turn of nearly cutting off AGC, but I'm advancing rapidly elsewhere!

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