As expected, they break my encirclement.
They make sure the gap is wide enough for some supplies to come in.
They also strike north.
At least their not retreating.
It's a limited attack, but it causes my some losses.
There are a few probes in the north.
They continue to hammer into Sevastapol.
Their probes up here are limited.
These seem to be my new standard losses.
In the north I just push forwards a little. The heavy mud slows my advance.
I find a way to push a bit further forward here.
I just push more and more troops in.
Annoyingly, I can't make it any further forward.
No attacks here, but more supply cutting.
I begin more attacks in the south.
We hit down the line.
They crumble before us.
I push back to the coast, but find a new weak spot here.
To break into the Crimea, they have taken troops from here.
I hammer into them.
They may be into the Crimea, but my job now is to make sure they don't get out again!
I get access to these now, which are going to make the German's lives hell! I order 30 of these as well as thirty of the new heavy tank regiments.
Things are starting to look pretty damn good!

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