Germany continues to drive forwards towards Moscow!
Though a lot of their effort is put into keeping the neck here open.
Which they are very effective at.
They are still moving forward however.
The push into the Crimea continues.
They break through again.
This is going to need some fixing.
This northern push is much slower this week.
We see a slight dip in losses.
The advance in the north is slow.
On the south side of this pocket, I target their panzer units.
Which are shadows of their former selves.
I open a big hole, but the mud stops me from being able to advance.
In the neck, I push more troops in, but I'm not able to cut any deeper.
This is a different story – again, they are most likley going to break it, but it's a lot of troops not getting any supplies this week!
Most of the line is quiet – but in the south I grind forwards.
I'm able to get troops to the coast at least!
They are getting into the Crimea, only winter can stop them now.
Things are looking good – but I would be happier if I could cut that last rail line!

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