A few half hearted attacks on the Fastov region start the week.
Things properly kick off in the south however.
The new divisions hold for a while, but break in the end....
They also make a push along the line to the see.
They push forwards.
It seems to be a push towards Zaporoshye.
This is a new offensive.
But the line is holding well.
They have brought up tanks, but it's only a limited advance.
We see more pushes near Smolensk.
The small remains of my units cannot hold.
They then push north.
They don't make any real headway.
A hundred K, but they lose as many tanks as we do.
And we're getting a few more men.
I hit the weak spots up here.
I hit the weak spots up here.
I make some more attacks along the Smolensk. front
Some of these are more successful than others.
I make some more attacks in the south.
But mainly, it's the same move units to slow their advance.
I make some counter attacks near Kiev.
Unfortunately they are starting to put up resistance here.
I continue my offensive in the south.
Things are speeding up here.
All their forces are committed to the advance, so their flanks are weak.
And include Romanians.
And we all know Romanian units are weak spots.
I pull a thousand tanks from the reserves to go in as small battalions across the line. Also Smolensk is now looking like a confused bear! Even with an SS unit as an eye!

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