The Germans open up with numerous attacks in the south.
Most of them bounce off my defences.
Though there are of course a few parts with heavy losses.
This assault on Kiev fails spectacularly.
Smolensk is of course their main offensive.
They hit us hard.
They have definitely concentrated their strongest forces here.
The pattern continues.
Though it's not the entire line we see an advance on, which is an improvement.
There are many more strikes further north.
And on the north of the salient we are hit in places.
This is mainly pushing back the units I advanced.
After months, they finally hit this area.
A pretty standard 100k losses.
I strike the line near Pskov.
And push a little more forward towards Riga.
On the north of the salient, I hit them again.
We push them back, but there are to many strong points to make a general advance.
We push them back, but there are to many strong points to make a general advance.
It's nice to push them back.
And do damage to some of their Panzer units.
I do trap these guys though. I may get lucky and hold, but I doubt it.
I patch the line and move south.
After their attack at Kiev, they are weakened and I rout a Hungarian unit.
Then I push through the gap.
Then a German one.
I maul a panzer division. This feels gooood.
So I do it again – I then put more troops in the cut, but I'm not able to push it any further south. Maybe next turn!
After complaining I can't build any more troops, the limit for infantry divisions increases, so I order 30 more! I just need to number of Corps to go up!
While I'm losing ground in the centre, the north and south are looking good!

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