My advancing forces are hit hard.
Panzers hit hard near Smolensk.
Then there is a series of hammerblow hits south of the city.
The whole front down here cracks.
Panzers work me over here as well.
This is a rent in the lines.
And a deep penetration.
They strike north as well.
The line melts here as it did on the south.
Of course they reconnect the panzer division I trapped.
I miss the screenshot, but Smolensk falls to their attack.
It's generally a mess.
It's generally a mess.
More tanks in the south increase my already heavy losses.
Another two hundred thousand losses.
I launch a number of attacks in the north.
Pushing back weaker forces.
It's a small step closer to Riga. I guess.
Oh man, this is not good.
For some reason, they have not manned Smolensk, so a token force marches back into the city.
But overall, this is paper covering the line.
I batter some more weak units in the south.
While they are not fully formed units, In have to pull the corps and infantry divisions from the front lines, as A, I need the troops, and B, they are eating up all the replacements – most of which I need on the front line right now!
You know, while I have a front line.

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