The Germans try and reconnect with the troops I've trapped.
There are few more scattered attacks along the line.
The south is fairly quiet.
None of the trapped units escape.
Even though they try.
This is the only place we see any real enemy advance.
But it's not a large push.
This is the lowest casualties we have seen this war.
They have a good number of troops in Western Europe.
They have a good number of troops in Western Europe.
Finally we begin to reorganize the air force.
Time to get to work on these pockets – they need moving together first, so this will not be a quick job.
I do get one surrender though.
I push through here.
Here I have enough forces to eliminate some units.
They are only regiments, but they make up a couple of divisions.
This is a division.
As is this.
And this is actually fantastic.
My main problem is that I can't move quickly through this snow! I'm stacking up back there!
Yeah, that's more like it!

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