80,000 casualties don't stop the German counter attacks.
Though we see a lot more holds and smaller combats this time.
I mean, there are still heavy losses. Its the eastern front!
But it definatly feels a lot more limited this month.
We're taking 3k losses, rather than 6k.
Are their tank numbers finally dropping?
Spoiler attacks all of them.
Nice low infantry losses, with near parity in tanks.
The Germans have given up Pomerania.
I continue to keep the pressure up on the rest of the front.
I force retreats where I can.
They are still putting up a stiff fight though.
My troops are still played out however.
But they still have armoured units on the front line.
Budapest is still surrounded.
But not willing to give up yet! Brutal street fighting begins.
The Germans keep counter attacking.
The early attacks are low losses for us.
The front near Breslau seems solid.
It's near Poznan we see the main German offensive.
They hit me all down the front.
We lose a large number of tanks.
Lead by the SS, they make some good advances.
My men need to be killing more tanks!
That's a bit better.
I continue to advance into the latest retreat.
Then it's time to keep up the pressure.
It's a tough grind.
I'm still having to limit my attacks.
We quickly reach Hungary.
We take a few more streets in Budapest.
Doing a secondary check of my lines, I spot this opportunity. That's a panzer division with half it's tanks gone now.
Losses continue on.
It's heartening that they have had to shorten their line once more.

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