The Germans are once more counter attacking.
My men are once more retreating.
Some parts of the line are able to hold.
Some parts are not.
Once again, I see all my advances rolled back.
Their Panzers have been moved down to the Prague area.
They shatter my line.
Losses are high. Again.
You guys know it's 1945 right?
You should be struggling to hold the line.
No? Okay.
My advances near Budapest are pushed back.
They open their supply lines.
Very heavy losses for the infantry, and both sides have lost masses of tanks.
They have pulled back in the north – I open up another port for forward supplies.
Several German units are beginning to rout.
It feels like moving troops towards Prague has weakened other parts of their lines.
Poznan has surrendered! I repeat, Poznan has surrendered!
I think this is the largest non surrender casualties I've inflicted on the Germans.
More Germans retreat before me!
Strike men, strike!
Another routing unit.
Take that you panzers!
It looks like they have been forced to leave more tanks on the front line. I take advantage of that.
I get to surround Budapest again.
Okay, I feel that I've done a damn good job at pulling those numbers back.
While there is not much movement this week, I've taken out a major thorn in my side by taking Poznan.

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