The Germans begin their latest offensive to reconnect Poznan.
My men fight hard to stop them.
But the sheer number of German troops break through once more.
In the north a strong counter attack routs thousands of our men.
Around the breakthrough we only see a small scattering of attacks.
The German losses were light this turn.
I start with my own counter attack in the north – this should pin down those rather battered looking SS units.
At Poznan I unleash hell.
This time I am able to make the gap between the city and rescue two hexes, and the German counter attacks are weakening.
I hit the weak units down the line.
I also move to surround Breslau.
The city and several large units are cut off.
I expect the main city to be reconnected, but I doubt they have the power to reach the units in the south east.
This was a consolidation week, if the Germans can't reconnect their forces next week, then they will take heavy losses.

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