The Germans open up their offensive south of Poznan.
This is a concentrated assault.
My losses where they attack are as normal.
They open a large hole in my line.
Panzers advance into the gaps.
There is nothing to be afraid of long term, but it's another wound I need to patch rather than advancing.
That's a nice low number of losses – especially in tanks!
I begin to probe the enemy.
I push the Hungarians back a bit.
I maul a panzer division – half its tanks are left in its wake.
I'm able to make some hits.
It's small but sure attacks. But what's that to the east?
A massive gap in their lines! My mobile forces surge into the gap, look at all those Panzer units that are going to be short on supplies next turn!
I even turn it into a proper, if weak encirclement – one turn with only air supplies will do some damage.
Now the only question is can we hold this new advance.

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