They push me back, but at least they take some losses.
But then they are back to hitting me hard.
They seem to be concentrating on this part of the front.
We hold at the neck.
At least they are taking some losses.
They cut off the mechanized forces, but make no attempt to wipe them out.
We take another 8k losses down here.
Overall, losses are down.
I begin probing their lines.
I'm looking for a way to connect those troops up again.
Of course, smacking up a Panzer division is always worth it.
I'm able to crack the line in several places, but advancing is harder.
I make it though, that's another turn of wrecking their supply lines.
That's no reason to stop however!
If only I could break through down here.
The fresh units are moving forwards, ready for a spring offensive.
Most of the other areas are to muddy to see any real advances however.

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