The last of the surrounded troops are cleared out. They tied down the enemy for a while.
The German assaults begin near Pskov.
Having cleared their flanks, they move on the city.
Having cleared their flanks, they move on the city.
Then they push further north.
clearing the troops behind them as they go.
In the centre the pushes are more restrained.
They make ground, but at a slow rate. Their infantry are still in the rear clearing troops.
The southern front is not destined to hold as well as last time.....
They push along that weak southern flank.
Things begin to look dire.
When a crack is opened, their Panzers flow through and advance rapidly. This is going to take some repairing.
Our losses have passed a million men.
This is not much, but it's going to have to do in the north.
This is going to be …. fun next turn – we have defence in depth, but they are bringing up a lot of heavy units.
The southern front is a mess.
My first successful attack – it's against the Romanians, but it's something.
The best I can do here is cut off the lead units. There was not enough movement to form a second line.
The less said about the Romanian front the better.....

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