My screenshots mess up, but I get routed in a couple of places – one of them for 20,000 men! This one was for 3,000!
They are counter attacking hard.
My advancing units are hit.
But losses here are limited.
Those hits have spiked my numbers – time to try and bring them back to more comfortable levels.
I'm still holding here, they are still massing their tanks.
Of course, we have a lot of other places we can sweep forward.
Two strong divisions are surrounded.
One of the units we trapped last week is forced to surrender.
Then two more.
And three smaller units. Not a bad haul.
The grand advance is continuing – so many mouse clicks!
Hmm, Luftwaffe.
And a Jager unit.
But it's more advancing across the front.
I'm sending some units into Romania.
Keep on trucking lads!

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