The German counter offensive begins.
Any weak advance force is hit.
We see a lot more holds though.
Which of course means more German casualties.
Not to say I'm not the one taking the majority of the casualties.
They hit me hard
The supply starved guys in the south take more hits.
Some of my biggest losses come from here.
They are using a lot of their mechanized forces to push them back
Seventy thousand losses, but they are near thirty.
I move more men here.
Then hitting down the line begins.
The enemy retreat.
There are more and more weak spots appearing.
Lets just trap this guy again.
Then advance into the line.
The Kiev offensive continues.
The Kiev offensive continues.
I open the line enough for a bit of stupid push.
This is a stupid thing, but the Germans don't know its an artillery unit – it might panic them into a retreat!
This is a stupid thing, but the Germans don't know its an artillery unit – it might panic them into a retreat!
Yep, we have movement.
And we're through!
They have pulled back, and my men take a port and secure me a foothold in Romania proper.
Things are going to get very interesting in the next few turns!

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