We take losses in some place.
But most of the German attacks are repulsed.
It's nice to see them take some losses.
Though of course some of our retreats come with high casualties, so it's probably nothing over time.
Yeah, losses are much higher than the Germans.
They have weak spots on their line, which I of course attack.
Some of their units are nice and weak.
They even gave up ground here.
We advance into the gap.
Near Kiev we shatter a unit. I'm also moving in the tank corps ready for the spring offensive. Similar units are being moved north.
Not all my attacks go well – The Germans have more troops in reserve.
The mud has arrived in the south.
I push through the gaps – this will most likely not accomplish anything, but it may cause the Germans to retreat.
The mud will be here soon, I've ordered another 20 corps formed in reserves, and they will be going to Kiev and Konigsburg to support Operation Shatter – The drive to cut all forces off around Minsk and win this war once and for all.

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