Near Minsk, we see a counter attack.
Losses are higher than I would like.
There are a few attacks in the center region.
The Germans counter attack in the south.
It's a bit late to push me back.
Okay, those are some one sided losses – what are my men doing down there?
I make some pushes on the northern flank.
Then I see a cheeky little advance down the islands.
There are a few more attacks.
I'm finally starting to sort this mess out!
The Corps are going into the line near Kiev.
Most of the front is quiet, but I do get some hits in.
I keep their more advanced units under attack. But most of my units need fresh troops! It has to be said that we have a large density of Guards units down here, its a veritable sea of red!
Shame for the pause, but it's still early '43, and we have plenty more time.

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