You're mine now.
They continue to fight to stay alive in the salient.
Large forces are concentrated on hitting my men here.
I lose quite heavily.
My lines are probed in the south.
In fact, they mad a decent enough advance.
A unit is surrounded and destroyed.
It has to be said, their losses are much higher than expected. 17,000 seem to have surrendered already!
I begin to eliminate the trapped AGN.
They mostly retreat, but I get several units to surrender – all in the 2-4k range of troops.
That's more like it!
Ahh, This feels good.
They are already much reduced
That's nearly fifty thousand troops captured already, and AGS is still to go!
I blast through their line near Riga.
No only do I take a important rail depot, I break the line in another place as well.
They're shattering across the line.
Time to tighten my grip on the shaft.
I squeeze it to a single hex, and no rail line.
I lightly cut the northern force off.
This is a good hit.
This is a good hit.
They seem to be weak everywhere.
Your turn!
A quick losses check before I go in.
Losses start small.
But quickly grow.
I crush their tanks.
I condense this force, but am unable to make them surrender.
What the hell! This leaves them with one port to the east.
I'll take 110,000 men captured. That is a good day.
I'm so close to taking AGC. Sooooooooo close.......

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