Fighting around Smolensk continues.
But here on the leading edge, my men manage to hold well.
The northern edge does better.
One of my trapped divisions is forced to surrender.
Pitiful. They still think they can drive north.
They drive closer to Sevastopol.
Most of my losses are disabled – the snow may be useful, but it's hard on the troops.
Right, I want that port. That port is the only thing that's keeping them alive.
Correction. WAS keeping them alive.
This will be amazing next turn.
Riga is the next to fall to my forces.
I manage to push up a bit more.
The neck is strangled that little bit more.
I pick up a couple of brigades. They are worn down, but at least I've cleared them out.
Generally I constrict the whole salient.
Down the line, I target the panzer units.
Not that they have many panzers left!
Split up and battered, this bodes well for 1943!
Lets do this!
I take out a brigade here.
This division surrenders, with some nice captures.
Though a lot of them retreat to a more condensed position.
Their stronger forces remain, but their chances of being rescued are minimal.
I'll take even casualties – they have more men to lose.
That's two – Now lets see if we can get the hat trick!

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