They are still attacking inside the near pocket.
We're hit hard in places, and many units retreat.
One of my probing units is pushed back.
They make progress on slowing my advance here.
They make progress on slowing my advance here.
They make a half hearted attempt to rescue their trapped motorized divisions.
We see the standard random attacks down the line.
They try and reopen their supply lines in the south.
They make a lot of attacks, but none of them change the overall situation.
Casualties are normal – let's see if we can bring their casualties up to normal.
Let's get that port!
I clean up these trapped “panzer” units – not that they have any working tanks left.
I also push at the south – they fall back quickly.
This is looking sooooo goooood.
I push forward where they are weak.
Here I break through.
The north of the salient has a lot of weak units on it.
I open a massive hole, but I can't advance.
Curses, one hex short of cutting that rail line!
Oh well, lets settle for taking out these divisions.
For motorized divisions, they have few AFV's.
Cackles in Gulag.
I continue to push down the front here. Now, I've been holding out on you.
rmy group south has been castrated.
I immediately get to work taking out the enemy.
I'm not sure how long this will hold, and the snow means I spend most of the turn moving up to contact.
I make sure to do my best to secure the line.
Week 2 of the offensive – 134,0000 German casualties and 85K captured. And I still have two more pockets to close!
Look at this thing of beauty.

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