The offensive starts in the south.
That is a whole load of artillery!
They hit me in multiple places.
They are probing the line for weak spots.
Actually, this is looking like it could be dangerous.
They also hit hard at the gates of the Crimea.
These units are in trouble now.
Near Smolensk they continue their narrow drive.
They make it a few more kilometres forward.
There are a few attacks in the north, but nothing of consequence.
There is a whole series of attacks along the line here – they go forwards a hex, but with heavy losses.
Slightly higher losses today. But the rain has started and the mud is coming!
But we have mechanized corps now! I order all ten I'm allowed built – They will be useful in the coming offensive!
I start an attack in the north – taking Tallinn would doom AGN.
I hit the Panzer units again. No tanks for you!
I also open a hole in the south.
I don't have the mobile units to exploit it however. The mud slows me down.
I beat up some weakened units on the south flank.
I move up the main forces, but I'm careful not to show my true intentions yet....
Near Kiev I push forwards again.
I target those weakened panzers in the south.
Keep those tank numbers down!
The mud is whats going to save me here – we're finally at the end of their summer offensive.
My turn is coming!

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