My men in the south hit hard and push my men back.
They take out a couple of my advances.
They are mostly concentrated on pushing forward here.
But the gains are limited.
They strike up in the north as well.
They push me back a bit around Pskov, but their gains are again limited.
Of course, they push around Smolensk.
The line is smacked up, but in more local areas than last week.
Losses are high of course.
There will be no massive breakthrough here now, I think.
They push back along the north line.
Again my forces take hits.
They also strike on the southern front.
I of course open up with a strike along the north.
I open a nice wide gap in their line.
Then drive right into it.
Here, I'm to banged up to attack, but I pull the battered tank corps off the line to rebuild them for winter.
I hit a few places down the line near Kiev.
In the south, I strike a bit, but again, the advance is limited.
I of course beat the Panzer division up a bit.
A few lead units are pushed back, but I get the feeling this is another place to wait for winter.
Okay, time to parcel out those reserves.
The south get nine divisions.
Smolensk gets the bulk, on the flanks ready for winter.
Three go to support the push on Riga.
There are so many places I can make some large gains, I hope I can close off at least one of them – Three would be amazing, but I doubt I have the troops.

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