One of my little probes is forced to retreat.
Again, there are only a few probes.
Here we take some more losses.
My men are ordered to advance. Weakness is sensed in the enemy.
Their line is not what it once was.
The General Advance will continue!
As you can see, I'm making good ground now, with a nice thirty kilometre penetration of their line. Their fortifications are in ruins.
I'm even able to force one of their stronger defensive positions to retreat.
This would have been great six months ago.
They are finally leaving piles of ruined tanks behind them.
No Mercy.
No Pity.
I will shoot any man I see with pity in their eyes.
This continues down the line.
There seems to be no point where they are strong now.
I make a push to take Bratislava.
It takes two attacks, but the city is mine.
Their forces are weak around here.
One last scan of the lines yields me another advance.
Their losses increase with every passing week.
That's one more major city secured, and the others are in sight.

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