The Germans push back near Vienna.
They seem to have been hurt by me calling this a weak spot.
They have moved tanks into the area.
They also counter attack in the north, but we hold.
They are not pushing us back here!
The Poznan front it quiet.
They turn these guys back of course. I always knew they would.
The Ardennes offensive is running very late.
Oh look, they lost more tanks than we did already!
Time to push forward.
Where there is a weak spot, I am there.
Near Poznan, I strike forward.
They are weak here, we are going forward!
This is it! Next stop Berlin!
They are retreating before us!
Look, a thirty kilometer advance!
And it's along a wide front as well.
The armour comes forward.
I push to the south of the advance as well.
The German line is certainly creaking now.
They are stronger near Prague.
But we're still able to keep the pressure up.
They can't mass their tanks everywhere, can they!
I smack some tanks around. I need to keep their numbers down.
There is another general advance in Hungary.
And I find a very weak spot to the south.
Onwards we go!

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