The Germans probe the edges of my breakthrough.
We lose some ground of course.
We hold the line here. But at a high cost.
Their massed tanks are still a major threat however.
Here a tank battle erupts.
Again we hold with heavy losses.
We finally bloody the nose of their panzers.
Then we do it again.
Then a third time! This is a record for our forces.
While I'm not going to claim we're winning on tank losses, we're at least shifting the numbers back in our favour.
We take heavy losses near Poznan, but down on the last few weeks.
Okay, okay, that's not saying much.
I'm happy to call that parity of losses.
I probe the northern front.
They have to many tanks up here to progress, but I do some damage to them.
I do make one unit retreat.
I need to keep the pressure up.
Here we all but shatter an infantry division.
Going down the line I try to target the Panzer forces.
Every tank I blow up here is one less tank that can attack my lines.
There are going to be a lot less tanks on the line.
The Germans have definitely hit the point that they have to keep their panzer divisions on the front line in many places.
Budapest finally falls to my men.
That's a lot less tanks to worry about.
The number of men on the German side is holding steady.
They number of tanks are dropping – but very slowly.
At least their running out of guns.
If not people to carry them.
At least we have secured another major city.

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