Here we go with their attempts to rescue the troops at Breslau!
The men inside the pocket cause me heavy losses as they reconnect their internal lines.
They also push towards freedom.
But the next attack comes to the north.
They widen the wedge.
But they are not able to break through!
Near Poznan, they also push forwards.
The front line breaks.
Then they strike to the south of the city, but not the second line.
Losses are very one sided this week, but I don't care, as both my pockets held!
I start my probes in the north – I need to keep as many troops pinned down as possible.
I assault at Poznan, but the ruins of the city allow the defenders to hold my forces back.
I try and keep the Germans from the city, but I expect them to reconnect next turn.
I push them back near Breslau as well.
They are dug in in Bresalu like ticks.
I batter the Germans in the pocket, picking up many more prisoners. Most of them refuse to surrender, knowing they have a good chance of being rescued next turn.
I do convince the defenders of the city to surrender.
A rare turn where the Germans have taken more losses than we have.
The Allied advance speeds up.
Somehow the Germans still have a massive manpower reserve.
Overall, troop numbers have been steady for a while now.
Not much movement, but we have taken a stubborn city.

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