The Germans open up with a heavy strike near Poznan.
Then they get to work cutting off my advancing forces.
They seem to have taken offence to this whole offensive!
They force the gap between the armies larger.
They make sure to push back the relief troops.
At least the fighting in Hungary seems to have simmered down.
It's still 2:1 losses here.
I change tactics – I need to give them so many places to worry about they can't properly defend them all!
Phase one of this is to target the weak spots.
All the weak spots.
The aim is to make as many holes as possible.
It should be said there are more of these.
Gaps appear all down the German front.
Gaps appear all down the German front.
Gaps appear all down the German front.
While continuing to hurt them.
The Hungarians provide a weak spot in the German lines.
That I exploit mercilessly.
Though we are advancing nicely even against German formations.
Once reconnected, my forces storm forwards, capturing half a dozen depots, displacing command units and ripping up supply rail lines.
I then reinforce the neck and laugh at the panic that must be setting in at German High Command.
I make sure to tie down their troops in Hungary with a spoiler offensive here as well.
I then force troops into every gap I can – Rommel may once of said “spit, don't spatter” but he didn't have ten million men spitting at once!
One solid kick and I'm sure the whole rotting structure will collapse.

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