The German armoured units are active in the neck.
They are of course attacking in the wrong direction.
If you hit me to the north, that would be more worrying.
But nope, you keep hitting my stronger units.
Someone upped Hitlers meth dose again, didn't they?
They push to the north of the line as well.
Again, beyond causing me losses, this does nothing about the tanks.
They once again make a single attack on my mobile units.
Nice low casualties.
And a load more troops left behind!
I'm not just happy with that, I need to push forwards!
It's not that I don't advance into the gap.
It's just there are so many other juicy targets.
And I want to hit them before they dig in.
And I want to hit them before they dig in.
They are still pretty strong in the south though.
There are still weak spots.
Some weaker than others.
Creeping closer to Berlin!

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