Troops are diverted from the front lines to hit my advancing troops.
The tank units are in trouble, but maybe they will help the front line.
Narrators voice – it didn't.
Their tanks are everywhere, and out line crumples.
They straighten their line.
Their short supply lines make it so they can hit everywhere.
Its not that these are attacks are without losses.
Their number of tanks is frightening.
There seems to be no part of the northern front untouched.
The advance south of Warsaw is the largest gain for them.
How much worse would it be if these tens of thousands of troops hadn't been drawn away?
It's come at a cost though.
This is the cost.
I'm probe their lines.
There are weak spots now.
I clear some weakened units.
It does look like they've pulled back another 30km.
I hit a Panzer division, taking out half their tanks.
Solvakia surrenders.
So in the south we've got a few places we can hit.
The general advance continues.
It's all good for morale!
I kinda want the mud so my troops get a rest.....

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