The Germans attack again!
It's a smaller series of attacks, but it still hurts.
The Balkans have been quiet.
We still hold them in places.
Losses continue to mount.
I hit the weak spots.
We take losses, but at least we're hurting them.
These are minor advances, but we push into these gaps to secure the lines.
The leading edge of my advance comes under major attack.
This is across a wide front.
Thirty kilometres and rising.
Forty kilometres, and losses are high again.
At least they are losing some tanks.
We see more combat around Warsaw.
The Allies advance once more.
The Germans failed to advance into their advances, so I move back in.
I hit some weak spots.
I hope to be able to break this stalemate soon.
I find a spot I can get a good number of troops through. Lets see how they react to that!
I didn't need tanks anyway.....
At least the map is quick to update!

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