We see a few spoiler attacks in Hungary, but that is all.
We still mange to lose over thirty thousand soldiers.
Again, they have mysteriously left a gap in their line, which I can get thanks through.
So I flood the area with tanks.
There are a few weak spots on the line, so I probe them.
Shame there is no room for a major breakthrough.
This part of the line is a mess for them. They are going to have to move troops back to engage me – or sound a general retreat.
There are still no places I can shatter the line however.
There are still no places I can shatter the line however.
Belgrade is Liberated.
This allows me to slip a few troops around the German line.
The Allies land in Italy.
They advance rapidly.
And Italy surrenders.
Greece is also liberated.
The Line cracks nicely.

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