he thin front line in the north shatters.
They approach Tillinn.
Thankfully, overall their advances are not to large.
The Germans redouble their assault on Smolensk.
The line begins to crack.
Troops begin to fall back.
They move tanks up.
They also hammer through further south.
And a major hole opens.
The Germans advance on Kiev, shattering the line.
Then they flow through it.
Odessa comes under attack from a strong enemy force.
And falls.
First up, they next wave of reinforcements have arrived.
And oh boy do I need them.
I got the time I needed to unload the new line from the trains. Lets hope they get to dig in a bit!
The breach around Smolensk needs more troops to hold!
I also need to contain the massive breach to the south.
Oh yeah, and rebuild the whole southern front....
I do it, then I treat myself.
I take out that trapped division.
I rebuild the lines as best I can – the fresh troops are coming, but again, I need time to unload them. I do cut off another division however!
Smolensk looks weak, but hopefully, I can hold the line.
Smolensk looks weak, but hopefully, I can hold the line.

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