The German forces push north.
Thankfully their rate of advance has slowed.
Though my forces still rout on a large front.
They also continue their push in the centre.
Smolensk sees heavy attacks.
They begin to push forward – slowly, but surely
Some of my forces rout.
Axis forces begin their push in the south.
Axis forces begin their push in the south.
As across the front, they rout.
But here they make more ground.
The Romanian advance seems to have slowed.
The Romanian advance seems to have slowed.
Our losses continue to rise.
But thankfully Stalin has been convinced to commit reserve forces. Time to put more troops on the line.
The German advance on Leningrad is looking strong.
I get a second line in place, but I need another week to unload them from the trains and get them to the front.
The same is true further south.
I repair the Smolensk front, but this is my least worrying area.
Though the area to the south is worrying – that's a lot of tanks and not much to stop them!
The line in front of Kiev has shattered.!
Fresh troops are on the way, but it's a long way south from Moscow.
This front looks better for a brief pause.
I do have these guys trapped still though!
I pull more troops from the reserves.
The Germans have advanced across the front, I had to redraw the whole line today. Lets see how we hold next week.

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