They push north of Pskov.
And to the south.
There are scattered attacks all along the line.
Here we hold, with even losses.
Though here we take heavy losses.
A small but concentrated push is seen here.
Two shattered units here.
They hit further south.
In the far south, we see a Axis attack collapse.
Though we are pushed back locally.
Losses are evening out.
They still have lots of troops in the West.
And the yanks arrive. Hopefully the invade the west soon!
I hit these buggers hard, but they hold.
All my trapped friends seem to want to continue the party.
These guys at least retreat.
I do get to clear one unit.
They have withdrawn one hex, so there is a minor advance.
I pick off a weak spot to the south.
There is another one here.
A gap, I'll take that.
I pull a few troops from reserves.
It's a small general advance, but it's still a good one.

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