The advance is full of weak units, so they can hit me with concentrations.
Shattering this unit is not a great start.
I take some heavy losses here in the south.
They push me back to the neck of the Crimea.
It's not all good news for them, here they take a huge number of tank losses.
Another 26 explode here.
They push forward here.
They reconnect to these trapped units.
85k losses, but they lost more tanks than we did!
The RAF keep raiding.
There is still a garrison shortage in Western Europe.
The UN is founded.
Near Leningrad, I push forwards and encircle a huge axis force – I doubt it will hold, but I have to try!
These guys are trapped, but I need a while to wait for them to use up their supplies.
I surge forward, trapping more German units.
The number of left behind German units is amazing, even if I get half of these I'll be more than happy!
I get to strike here. This is my only attack, as this is more a war of manoeuvre at the moment.
The Germans have been retreating without taking heavy losses, but those captured troops will hopefully be on their way to POW camps soon!

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