They hit a single point at Leningrad.
It's a bit different at Smolensk. They smash through my first line of defences.
The second line doesn't hold as well.
Then they hit the city itself. They use massed artillery, and take the city. my forces crumble before them!
The whole front it collapsing.
And losses mount.
Further south, they hit us hard as well.
A gaping hole opens here as well.
They also strike to the north.
Finally, they continue their push to the south.
Well, that was a brutal turn. While the losses were not that bad, the ground lost was more than the last month combined.
Thank god the winter proper is here!
Oh, and the RAF. Yay. Go Lads.
Right, lets get my one counter attack for the turn off.
Then lets deal with this unholy mess!
This is going to have to do – I need more men!
But what I have is heading here to try on close up this rent.
But what I have is heading here to try on close up this rent.
I patch the south up.
Lets hope the Winter helps!

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