welcome to the future, apparently
German units try to expand their bulge here.
They smash back my lines, but there is little left to allow them to expand.
But they are doing some serious smashing.
They also push north of Smolensk.
Again, the front line breaks, but the mud stops any breakthroughs.
The attacks in the south continue.
As across the front, it's lots of casualties, but not much advancing.
They also hit south of Kiev.
Again, the front line falls back, but holds.
Two and a half million losses. Not great, but not terrible.
The Finns end their offensive.
Apparently, the Germans have a lot of troops in Italy.
But in good news, Lend lease has begun!
As has the snow!
As has the snow!
It's time to start some offensives! This one is held, but it's a start!
They have left a huge hole in their lines, as they must be short of troops and concentrating for their own attacks – so I advance into the gap.
Reinforcements flow to the fronts.
I make some attacks near Lenningrad
And they do retreat!
Even two! That's a record!
I expect that northern push to be destroyed, but it will divert forces from them pushing forwards.

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