To my surprise, after weeks of nothing, they open an assault on Leningrad!
They've brought up tanks and SS units.
It takes five attacks, but they shatter the Guards division here as the other units surrender.
The other units don't hold out as long.
They then begin to smash into my line.
A small hole is opened, but there is not much here to exploit it.
They clean up more of the trapped troops to the south.
Something of a push is made, but nothing major.
The Italians lead the way in the attacks north of Keiv.
They smash us back a bit in the south, but nothing to worrying.
Mud! Glorious Mud!
We took some more losses, and we're well past 2 million now.
I attack and push the enemy back. It's not much, but it keeps the line straight.
I reinforce the line and hope we can hold!
I cut these guys off for good luck!
There is not much to do down there. And there are no reinforcements this turn!
Lets hope the mud gets thicker – one thing is for certain – there will be no reports of the spires of the Kremlin in this timeline!

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